Thursday, April 22, 2010

things are looking up.. sort of

so, i did really good on my isats! and my super awesome couselor saw that i got dropped from english because of my being behind a week, but the isat block situation added another week, and she reset my class so i am not as behind as i would have been AAND i got to turn in two assignments i wouldn't have been able to before. one of which was a summary on king arthur that made me and hailey stay up super late for a week and read a bunch and was the most stressful thing i've ever done, that i cried super hard when i found out i couldn't turn it in after rushing to get it in before midnight. but, i now was able to turn it in thanks to my counselor (once again)! but, i'm still quite behind in that class and its stressing me out and bringing me back to when i would miss weeks of school and be super behind, and that feeling is the worst in the world to me.

i've also been doing better at eating but need to work out! yell at me to work out! haha. i need to be pushed to do it. i have no self-motivation.

oh and i sliced my finger deep and through my fingernail while cutting LETTUCE of all things. so i am typing without my left pointer finger. haha.

well, i'm off to bed so i can wake up early to get a jumpstart on all the math i have to do tomorrow!

this blog sucked, but i feel good being able to type it all out. so, sorry for another shitty blog and such. I LOVE YOU!


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